About the Course (Windsor)

This spring's tournament will be played at Windsor Park Golf & Country Club ('WPGCC'). It is a lovely park style course located near Mito in Ibaraki Prefecture. It has rather wide fairways and huge greens.

The course is Par 72, 6155 yards from White Tee and is not that difficult, save for the greens that are nearly PGA-size! You can check the course layout here.

Go on Joban Expressway from Tokyo (roughly 80 km)
Turn off at Mito I.C.
The course is roughly 20 km from the I.C., see MAP

Online information about the course:

Official Homepage (Japanese)
Official Homepage (English)
FCC Autumn 2004 competition at WPGCC
Online booking (Japanese)
Golf in Japan feature on WPGCC

Some pictures from the course:

  (Click to Enlarge)